Hamburg Aviation Green
Sustainable aviation, made in Hamburg: Thousands of engineers, designers and businesspeople are working tirelessly at the world's third biggest civil aviation cluster to make carbon-neutral commercial flight a reality. We explore the stories, explain the technologies, meet the people and discuss the challenges - join us on this exciting journey.
8 episodes
Hydrogen Aviation: The Chances, The Costs, The Future
What links Airbus' ZEROe project with Germany's salt caverns? Hydrogen. A promising carbon-free fuel, it's an attractive energy vector for Hamburg's future energy needs. Industry and the City of Hamburg are investing heavily in hydr...
Season 1
Episode 8
Hydrogen Aviation Lab: Pushing forward H2 adoption in Hamburg
H2 is on a roll: Hydrogen seems to be gaining traction as a fuel in aviation, at least in Europe. From successful test flights by ZeroAvia to recent updates to Germany's national hydrogen strategy - which doubled the production target for green...
Season 1
Episode 7
Cutting through the hype around sustainable aviation
What will be the single most important technology in decarbonising aviation over the next 20-30 years? Dr Ivan Terekhov, Director of Research Intelligence at Lufthansa Innovation Hub has the answer. In this podcast he talks - among many other f...
Season 1
Episode 6
Life Cycle Assessments: A key to a greener future?
In February 2023, the Brazilian government sank a retired aircraft carrier in the Atlantic Ocean. Scrapping the rusting hulk in ...
Season 1
Episode 5
FairCraft: A radical new sustainable aircraft cabin
Develop a truly sustainable cabin concept that saves weight, prioritises recycling and make passengers more comfortable: that's the ambitious brief for FairCraft, a radical new cabin concept that uses textiles and other easily recyclable materi...
Season 1
Episode 4
Start-Ups: Faster Paths to Net Zero
While the aviation industry aims to reach net zero by 2050, many of the technologies needed to get there are still years or even decades away. What role can start ups and start up culture play in accelerating the process and getting those cruci...
Season 1
Episode 3
Making airports more sustainable
How can changes in airport operations contribute to aviation's goal of reaching net zero? What role should offsets play? What can airports do to decarbonise? Has the COVID pandemic influenced the conversation around sustainable aviation?
Season 1
Episode 2
Accelerating innovation toward Net Zero
Welcome to this podcast series! Our first outing is with Roland Gerhards, CEO of ZAL Center for Aeronautical Research in Hamburg. Roland is a veteran of the aviation industry, having worked at Airbus for 15 years on the A380, A350 and A330 prog...
Season 1
Episode 1